January 1, 2022

Questions & Answers (FAQ)

Below you will find answers to some commonly asked questions:

What if it rains? 

Rain is inevitable in Seattle. Based on how intense the rain is we will discuss if the photo session needs to be rescheduled or if we keep our original date. If it’s just a sprinkle or light rain, we can usually still make it work by either choosing a strategic location or by adding fun props like umbrellas (I keep a collection of umbrellas that look great in photos). If it is truly a downpour we can usually reschedule for a sunnier day. 

When and how do I pay you?

I will send you an invoice for a deposit of 50% of your session cost once we have officially picked a date. The invoice will list the payment methods I accept (credit card & zelle). The deposit is due before your session. A final invoice for the remaining costs will be sent after our session is conducted and must be paid in full prior to me delivering your final images for viewing.

What if I need to reschedule? 

Life is often unpredictable and life with kids and babies even more so. If someone is sick or an emergency occurs, please reach out to me ASAP to discuss your need to reschedule. I will work with you to figure out a new date if my schedule can accommodate it. More than one rescheduling will cost an additional rescheduling fee of $50. 

What if I decide to cancel our session? 

Sometimes plans change. While rescheduling is my preference, if doing a photo session with me no longer works for your family please let me know so I can adjust my calendar. Your 50% deposit is non refundable.

How long until I see my pictures?

You will receive your images within 2-3 weeks after your session via an email with a link to an online viewing gallery. You then have the opportunity to select which images you would like to download (the number of images included varies per package). You can also choose to purchase additional images from the gallery which I will invoice you for prior to sending your final gallery for downloading.

Why does it take so long to receive my images?

After your session I will sort through all the pictures I took (and I take SO many) and do a detailed and careful edit of those that best represent you and your family. I aim to give you the photographs with beautiful expressions and priceless moments captured. While I do not edit and/or share every image from our session, I do strive to deliver the very best photos. 

Where should I print my photos?

Directly from me! I offer a variety of high quality prints and photo products directly from your online image gallery. It is so easy to do and the quality of the products from our professional lab is outstanding (especially compared to drugstore labs or other consumer online print stores). I will provide you with a pricing guide for my print shop. 

What should I wear for my photos? 

The best advice I can give you is to dress so you feel comfortable. If you feel comfortable, you will look great in the photos. Try and show up as the best version of your true self. Check out this post for more specific advice.

What if my kids misbehave during the session? 

Try your best not to stress about how your kids are acting or if they’re being “good”. I have years of experience with children and can almost always get a genuine smile out of even the shyest or grumpiest kid once we warm up a bit. Don’t worry if everyone is smiling or being perfectly still. I will let you know if I need help but for the most part it’s my personal connection with your child that will bring out their natural best self. 

What else do I need to do to prepare for my photo session?

I have detailed separate posts where you can read all about preparing for family session or newborn session. Check them out and let me know if you have any questions!